Bayani ako ng kalsada. This is the slogan of the MMDA. Finally, most of the streets in Kalibo has been cleared of the muck.

Many children in our province lost their books. This shot was taken at an elementary school in Tangalan.

The newly built barangay hall in Ilawod, Ibajay was put to an early retirement.

There used to be a park here. People used to cross to the other side via a path walk. Now they need to use the waterway.

A man surveys the scene of destruction of his newly built home. Sandbags and bamboo reinforcement prevented the soil's erosion. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about his neighbor's home. It tilted over when its foundation was eroded and landed on the shack beside it. Sad to say that the shack's occupants never lived to tell the tale. The body of the old woman was found 17 days after the flood, but her spouse was never found.

Another house that fell pray to the typhoons fury.

These men bought materials to build their broken homes.

This used to be a clutter free beach.

The towns people helped each other in cleaning their park. Now, its almost back to normal... Almost.
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